Monday, August 18, 2008

Off to a running start - Bridesmaid Shawls

So when I first picked up crocheting a week ago and loved it, I started an internal struggle because I had a VIP (very important project) of knitting that was underway.

You see, when I set out to put together gifts for my (MOH) maid of honor and 6 bridesmaids, I wanted it to be something useful, unique, and frugal. People have always enjoyed the scarves I've made so I thought I could knit them something too. I found a Lion Brand free online pattern for a Ruffled Stole. This pattern came in both knitting and crochet but at the time I only knit. My mom said it would be easier in crochet, but who listens to their mom? haha

I finished 3 of the 7 shawls I needed to make, but it was slow going. Finally I remembered yesterday that the pattern came as a crochet pattern as well. I tried it, just to see how close it looked to the knitting pattern since if it's cold the girls may need to wear the shawls at the wedding ceremony. It was a very close match!! I was so excited. And the best part - it is FAST work. I already finished one last night! It would take me at least 3 times as long to knit a whole one.

I can't wait to finish the others!

Have you ever learned that by making an adjustment that you didn't really want to, things ended up being easier in the end?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My first non-scarf!

So yesterday I set out to make my first item that wasn't a scarf or a similarly shaped rectangular object! This is a very exciting and significant development in my new crocheting world. Perhaps I'm gaining some patience in my "old" age? (Don't tell my fiance I said that - he might hurt himself from laughing so hard)

So anyway, I started making a crochet hook caddy. It's this pattern on ravelry (aka Crochet Hook Caddy by Margret Willson published in Crochet Cafe Patterns May 2005). The first pro to the pattern was that it's super easy. The second was that there is only one "accessory" to add at the end, a button.

It's mostly done because I got so into it that I pretty much did nothing else yesterday. Then as soon as I needed to switch skeins, I realized I didn't have any more of that yarn at my place because my mom had given me the skein to "practice" on! Oh that was an awful feeling. Must get to Michael's right quick to get another! Yes, yes, I know - dye lot, dye lot, dye lot - but desperate times...

I'll let you know how it turns out!

K(soon to be)E

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Oh and don't forget to catch me on ravelry:

I just joined the other day, but from what I've seen so far it seems like a great site for knitters and crocheters. Very collaborative, community building, sharing, etc. There's a couple day waiting list to get invited, but it's definitely worth it!

K(soon to be)E

Intro Extraordinaire

So a little introduction to myself:

My name is Kathy. I'm a 25 year old Jersey girl engaged to a great man. I'll spare you the "he's the most wonderful guy ever!" since everyone thinks that about their own =) We're getting married on October 25th and I couldn't be more excited!

My wedding is actually what inspired me getting back to knitting (and my first foray into crochet last weekend). I started when I was 8 but until recently had never done anything but make scarves in garter stitch. Something about my lack of patience...

Since none of my bridesmaids will read this, it's safe for me to let on that I'm knitting a shawl for each of them (Lion Brand pattern "Ruffled Stole") in Patons Divine, color Soft Earth as part of their gift. It's a great bulky mohair blend that works up really quickly. Something about working the pattern in this yarn makes it seem like you could just fold it in half and use it as a scarf (dressed up or dressed down) so I'm hopeful that they'll be able to use them even if they don't need them on the day of. You just never know what October will be like in New Jersey these days!

I'll admit now that 7 full size shawls was a big project to take on when there are so many other wedding related items to be done, but I'm about halfway done now and it hasn't been so bad. Really, it's been my stress relief amidst all the craziness. We all know how THAT goes. Plus, I know they will really appreciate the time and effort I put into this, so that makes it worth it.

So really I don't know yet if this will be more crafting or wedding / personal, but if you continue reading I promise you it will always be "interesting"...

K(soon to be)E